Connor  Alder, Class of 2028

Connor Alder, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University

Interested in discussing: having a partner/family in medical school; resources at WashU; places to live in St. Louis; St. Louis food scene; Forest Park; WashU student/faculty community feel.

Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

Angie Anaeme, Class of 2027

Angie Anaeme, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Duke University

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; taking a gap year; work-life balance; coming from a smaller city/the West Coast/not being from St. Louis; resources at WashU; things to do in St. Louis.

Hometown: Gilbert, AZ

Ash Ashok, Class of 2028

Ash Ashok, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University

Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; having pets in medical school; how to use your downtime; things to do (Forest Park / tennis / running / sports).

Hometown: Vestal, NY

Madison Ballman, Class of 2026

Madison Ballman, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: University of Virginia

Interested in discussing: taking a gap year(s); Gateway Curriculum; student interest groups (particularly AMWA and LGBTQmed).

Hometown: Potomac/Bethesda, MD

Lauren  Bell, (Entering Class of 2024; MSTP)

Lauren Bell, (Entering Class of 2024; MSTP)

Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis

Interested in discussing: research; things to do in St. Louis; St. Louis food scene; dual degree program(s) (MSTP).

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Jenna Bennett, Class of 2026

Jenna Bennett, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: University of Alabama

Interested in discussing: life in St. Louis; Gateway Curriculum; medical school with a non-medical school partner.

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Siddhant Bhat, Class of 2028

Siddhant Bhat, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: The University of Texas at Austin

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; Gateway Curriculum; moving to a new place away from family; opportunities at WashU.

Hometown: Houston, TX

Shama  Birla, Class of 2028

Shama Birla, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: UNC Chapel Hill

Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; taking several gap years; moving to St. Louis as someone from the South; WashU Med as someone who attended at large state school; starting medical school as a reapplicant.

Hometown: Cary, NC

Ethan Blum, Class of 2026

Ethan Blum, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University

Interested in discussing: research; work-life balance; living in St. Louis.

Hometown: Summit, NJ

Gabriel Boebel, Class of 2028

Gabriel Boebel, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of Southern California

Interested in discussing: being a nontraditional applicant (5+ gap years); engineering undergraduate degree (non-biological science background); transitioning to medical school; Gateway Curriculum; having a partner in medical school; having pets in medical school.

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Chris  Bozorgmehr, Class of 2027

Chris Bozorgmehr, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University

Hometown: Alamo, CA

Payton Breitzmann, Class of 2028

Payton Breitzmann, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University

Interested in discussing: having a partner in medical school; places to live in St. Louis; Forest Park.

Hometown: Germantown, WI

Livia Brennan, Class of 2028

Livia Brennan, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame

Interested in discussing: research; St. Louis quality of life (park/eating/living/activities); transitioning to medical school.

Hometown: Hingham, MA

Brett Buchman, Class of 2025

Brett Buchman, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Interested in discussing: nontraditional gap years; medical school with a non-medical partner; how I use my downtime (e.g., sports with classmates, fitness, Forest Park; outdoors in St. Louis; Cardinals games).

Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC

Ross Buchman, Class of 2028

Ross Buchman, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of Vermont

Interested in discussing: Forest Park; how you use your downtime; St. Louis quality of life; having pets in medical school; having a partner in medical school.

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Mackenzie Bultman, Class of 2027

Mackenzie Bultman, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: University of Pittsburgh

Interested in discussing: buying real estate in St. Louis; community engagement and health equity work in St. Louis; taking care of yourself in medical school; finding a community at WashU; pediatric clinical; volunteering opportunities.

Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI

Madeleine Busby, Class of 2025

Madeleine Busby, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: Oregon State University

Interested in discussing: moving from the West Coast; downtime in medical school; Cardinal baseball; primary care.

Hometown: Bend, OR

William  Carter, Class of 2027

William Carter, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Washington University

Interested in discussing: things to do in St. Louis; transitioning to medical school; places to live in St. Louis.

Hometown: Potomac, MD

David Catherall, Class of 2025

David Catherall, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: Saint Louis University

Interested in discussing: medicine as a second career; medical school with a partner; living outside the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis.

Hometown: St. Joseph, MO

Sundeep Chakladar, Class of 2028

Sundeep Chakladar, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Interested in discussing: research; transitioning to medical school without a gap year; Gateway Curriculum.

Hometown: Redondo Beach, CA

Justin Chang, Class of 2027

Justin Chang, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Yale University

Interested in discussing: research; St. Louis restaurants; Core Apartments.

Hometown: Middleton, MA

Amdiel Clement, Class of 2025

Amdiel Clement, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University

Interested in discussing: Missouri Botanical Garden; gap year; transition to medical school; downtime in medical school.

Hometown: Boyds, MD

Sydney Czako, Class of 2028

Sydney Czako, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan

Interested in discussing: taking a gap year; food scene in St. Louis; finding mentors; places to live in St. Louis.

Hometown: Birmingham, MI

Sophia Dietz, Class of 2028

Sophia Dietz, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; coming from a large, public university; Gateway Curriculum; Forest Park; a day in the life of a Phase 1.

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Idoia Dizon, Class of 2027

Idoia Dizon, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins University

Interested in discussing: taking a gap year; arts & culture in St. Louis; research; transitioning to medical school.

Hometown: Richmond, VA

Owen Douglas, Class of 2026

Owen Douglas, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: University of Pennsylvania

Interested in discussing: being a parent in medical school; specialty exploration.

Hometown: Cap Estate, Saint Lucia

Lauren Everett, Class of 2028

Lauren Everett, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: American Military University

Interested in discussing: St. Louis parks (other than Forest Park); St. Louis neighborhoods; transitioning to medical school from a career-changer perspective; buying real estate in St. Louis.

Hometown: Chaffee, MO

Sam Fallon, Class of 2026

Sam Fallon, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis

Interested in discussing: going to WUSM from WashU undergrad; getting involved in volunteering and more in medical school; interest in internal medicine.

Hometown: Phoenix, AZ.

Maya  Ferrell, (Entering Class of 2024; MSTP)

Maya Ferrell, (Entering Class of 2024; MSTP)

Undergraduate Institution: University of Oklahoma

Interested in discussing: quality of life in St. Louis (museums, Forest Park, food scene); research opportunities; studying on campus (Becker Library, student lounge, going to class, lockers and Core gym, coffee on campus, lunch on campus); dual degree program(s) (MSTP).

Hometown: Edmond, OK

Adam  Fogel, Class of 2028

Adam Fogel, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Brown University

Interested in discussing: taking a gap year; St. Louis sports; places to live in St. Louis; research.

Hometown: Easton, MA


Oliver Forst, Class of 2027

Oliver Forst, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Southern Methodist University

Interested in discussing: the Gateway Curriculum; places to live in St. Louis; St. Louis sports; downtime and St. Louis quality of life; living with a roommate in medical school.

Hometown: Minnetonka, MN

Mary Kate Freyaldenhoven, Class of 2027

Mary Kate Freyaldenhoven, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Rhodes College

Interested in discussing: clinical research; things to do in St. Louis; Gateway Curriculum.

Hometown: Conway, AR

JT Galla, Class of 2028

JT Galla, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Duke University

Interested in discussing: social life in medical school; taking a gap year; long distance relationships; first generation medical student; research; Medical Student Government.

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Mansi Garneni, Class of 2027

Mansi Garneni, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: Columbia University

Interested in discussing: how to maintain balance/use your downtime; moving to St. Louis/the Midwest as someone who did not grow up or go to college here; not taking any gap years.

Hometown: Irvine, CA

Kelly Gaudian, Class of 2028

Kelly Gaudian, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Gettysburg College

Interested in discussing: research; taking gap years; transitioning to medical school; places to live in the Central West End; Gateway Curriculum; Immersions.

Hometown: Arlington, VA

Dominic Gaziano, Class of 2028

Dominic Gaziano, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school as a non-science major; St. Louis sports teams; Forest Park.

Hometown: Newton, MA

Annabel Geissbuhler, Class of 2027

Annabel Geissbuhler, Class of 2027

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan

Interested in discussing: research; transitioning to medical school; the Gateway Curriculum; taking a gap year; places to live in St Louis; how you use your downtime; St. Louis; Forest Park.

Hometown: Birmingham, MI

Jessica  Goldberg, Class of 2025

Jessica Goldberg, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University

Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; life in St. Louis; transitioning to medical school.

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Pavithr  Goli, Class of 2028

Pavithr Goli, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Rice University

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; places to live in St. Louis; Forest Park; how to use your downtime; not taking a gap year.

Hometown: Houston, TX

Braxton Goodnight, Class of 2026

Braxton Goodnight, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: University of Georgia

Interested in discussing: transitioning to WashU from a large state school; interest in general surgery; downtime in St. Louis.

Hometown: Dacula, GA

McKayley Green, Class of 2028

McKayley Green, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Harvard University

Interested in discussing: first generation college student, Harvard undergraduate; being from Colorado; adjusting to medical school after several gap years; being an EMT before medical school; medical education; Emergency Medicine; Wilderness Medicine; moving to St Louis; living outside of the Central West End.

Hometown: Boulder, CO

Nicolas Grib, Class of 2028

Nicolas Grib, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara

Interested in discussing: how you use your downtime; transitioning to medical school; what to do in St. Louis; Forest Park; living with/finding roommates; where to live in St. Louis.

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Mitchell Grinwald, (Entering Class of 2021, MSTP)

Mitchell Grinwald, (Entering Class of 2021, MSTP)

Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis

Interested in discussing: dual degrees; St. Louis; transitioning to medical school; research; choosing a lab; downtime in medical school.

Hometown: Pewaukee, WI

McKenzie Halpert, Class of 2028

McKenzie Halpert, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; Gateway Curriculum; resources/extracurricular opportunities at WashU; things to do in St. Louis; Forest Park; St. Louis food scene; how I use my downtime; study strategies; mentorship.

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

John Han, Class of 2026

John Han, Class of 2026

Undergraduate Institution: University of Virginia

Interested in discussing: bioethics and medical humanities; food and drink in St. Louis; wellness (downtime, fitness, hobbies and social life).

Hometown: Vienna, VA

Jorin Hanson, Class of 2028

Jorin Hanson, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: University of Cincinnati

Interested in discussing: going straight through to medical school from undergrad; Forest Park activities; participating in intramural sports.

Hometown: Dayton, OH

Abby Heck, Class of 2025

Abby Heck, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame

Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; transition to medical school; medical school with a medical partner.

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Cade  Herrera, Class of 2028

Cade Herrera, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Harvard University

Interested in discussing: climbing/outdoors; taking a gap year (or multiple); native students; students from Harvard; rural students; students from South Dakota; students interested in the Grove.

Hometown: Rapid City, SD

Marykate Hill, Class of 2028

Marykate Hill, Class of 2028

Undergraduate Institution: Ohio State University

Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; music/arts in medical school; having a long-distance partner (who is also a medical student); coming from a big state college; Gateway Curriculum; going to school far from home; living at The Core; going straight through from undergrad.

Hometown: Granville, OH

Tim Huang, Class of 2025

Tim Huang, Class of 2025

Undergraduate Institution: Boston College

Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; medical student government; starting a relationship in medical school.

Hometown: New York, NY (Queens)