Breakthroughs happen when we come together and work across care, education and research. We envision a world where the best and brightest minds are free to do just that — without financial constraints. 

At WashU Medicine, we’re dedicated to helping reduce the financial burden of medical school, so you can confidently choose your career and specialty based on your professional passions instead of only your financial situation. 

MD students at WashU Medicine consistently graduate with significantly lower debt than the national average.

Of 124 students in the entering class of 2024:

89% have merit and/or need-based scholarships

67% have full tuition funding

27% are from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds

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Total educational debt comparison

We’re proud to invest in our students’ success, and as a result, WashU Medicine ranks nationally among medical schools whose graduates accrue the least amount of debt.

Medical school graduatesMean educational debt (of those indebted only)
2022 Public university MD programs$194,558
2022 Private university MD programs$222,899
2023 WashU Medicine MD program$106,536
Total educational debt includes pre-medical, medical and other degrees.
Source: AAMC

How to apply

Merit scholarships

Once admitted to the WashU Medicine MD program, you’ll be automatically reviewed for merit scholarships by the scholarship committee, who determines the number of merit scholarships awarded and level of support on an individual basis. Scholarships may cover full or partial tuition.

Need-based financial aid

Need-based financial aid comprises both scholarships and loans and is available for qualifying medical students who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Federal and/or private loans may be available for those who do not qualify for need-based financial aid.

Visit the Office of Student Financial Planning for instructions on how to apply for need-based financial aid and non-need-based loans.

Important dates

  • October 1
    • FAFSA application materials become available
  • Early March
  • April 1
    • Financial aid application deadline for students accepted to WashU Medicine prior to April 1 to receive an aid offer by the AMCAS deadline
    • Funding decision deadline for international students

Financial aid for international students 

We’re proud to enroll the world’s best and brightest and make admissions decisions based on academic and personal merit and not on students’ ability to pay the costs of education. However, individuals who are not U.S. citizens or who do not hold U.S. Permanent Resident Visa status are not eligible for need-based scholarships or loans. In order for WashU Medicine to complete the process for issuing a student Visa, the applicant must provide proof that the funds required for medical school (tuition and living expenses for four years) are available. All applicants are considered for merit scholarships regardless of country of citizenship or residency status.

Learn more about financial aid for international students »

More information

Visit the Office of Student Financial Planning for more information about and assistance with financial aid at WashU Medicine.