Cylen Javidan, MD
Associate Professor of Radiology
Cylen Javidan, MD, is an associate professor of diagnostic radiology
and specializes in cardiothoracic imaging with an emphasis on imaging of the trachea and bronchi, interstitial lung disease, and CT and MR of congenital heart disease.
She was born and raised in Chicago and as a teen moved with her family to Tehran, Iran, where she completed high school and continued on to medical school, graduating from the Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1994. After practicing primary care medicine for seven months in a village in western Iran, she returned to Chicago in 1995. Javidan completed residency in diagnostic radiology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, fellowship in cross-sectional imaging at Henry Ford Hospital, and fellowship in cardiothoracic imaging at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University in St. Louis.
In 2004, she joined the faculty of WashU Med in the Division of Diagnostic Radiology on the clinical educator track. She has been the fellowship director of cardiothroacic imaging since 2007 and is involved in teaching thoracic imaging to medical students in the Practice of Medicine and Capstone courses.
Her interests outside of medicine and education are painting, urban architecture, and cooking. She has recently taken up crossword puzzles, but can’t claim to be any good at it!