Curious about the Washington University medical student perspective on a topic? If you have a question for one of our current student Admissions Liaisons (profiled below, along with their areas of conversation interest), feel free to contact us here, and we will work to make the connection!
Connor Alder, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University
Interested in discussing: having a partner/family in medical school; resources at WashU; places to live in St. Louis; St. Louis food scene; Forest Park; WashU student/faculty community feel.
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
Angie Anaeme, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Duke University
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; taking a gap year; work-life balance; coming from a smaller city/the West Coast/not being from St. Louis; resources at WashU; things to do in St. Louis.
Hometown: Gilbert, AZ
Ash Ashok, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University
Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; having pets in medical school; how to use your downtime; things to do (Forest Park / tennis / running / sports).
Hometown: Vestal, NY
Madison Ballman, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: University of Virginia
Interested in discussing: taking a gap year(s); Gateway Curriculum; student interest groups (particularly AMWA and LGBTQmed).
Hometown: Potomac/Bethesda, MD
Lauren Bell, (Entering Class of 2024; MSTP)
Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Interested in discussing: research; things to do in St. Louis; St. Louis food scene; dual degree program(s) (MSTP).
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Jenna Bennett, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: University of Alabama
Interested in discussing: life in St. Louis; Gateway Curriculum; medical school with a non-medical school partner.
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Siddhant Bhat, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: The University of Texas at Austin
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; Gateway Curriculum; moving to a new place away from family; opportunities at WashU.
Hometown: Houston, TX
Shama Birla, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: UNC Chapel Hill
Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; taking several gap years; moving to St. Louis as someone from the South; WashU Med as someone who attended at large state school; starting medical school as a reapplicant.
Hometown: Cary, NC
Ethan Blum, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University
Interested in discussing: research; work-life balance; living in St. Louis.
Hometown: Summit, NJ
Gabriel Boebel, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of Southern California
Interested in discussing: being a nontraditional applicant (5+ gap years); engineering undergraduate degree (non-biological science background); transitioning to medical school; Gateway Curriculum; having a partner in medical school; having pets in medical school.
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Chris Bozorgmehr, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University
Hometown: Alamo, CA
Payton Breitzmann, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University
Interested in discussing: having a partner in medical school; places to live in St. Louis; Forest Park.
Hometown: Germantown, WI
Livia Brennan, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame
Interested in discussing: research; St. Louis quality of life (park/eating/living/activities); transitioning to medical school.
Hometown: Hingham, MA
Brett Buchman, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Interested in discussing: nontraditional gap years; medical school with a non-medical partner; how I use my downtime (e.g., sports with classmates, fitness, Forest Park; outdoors in St. Louis; Cardinals games).
Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC
Ross Buchman, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of Vermont
Interested in discussing: Forest Park; how you use your downtime; St. Louis quality of life; having pets in medical school; having a partner in medical school.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Mackenzie Bultman, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Interested in discussing: buying real estate in St. Louis; community engagement and health equity work in St. Louis; taking care of yourself in medical school; finding a community at WashU; pediatric clinical; volunteering opportunities.
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Madeleine Busby, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: Oregon State University
Interested in discussing: moving from the West Coast; downtime in medical school; Cardinal baseball; primary care.
Hometown: Bend, OR
William Carter, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Washington University
Interested in discussing: things to do in St. Louis; transitioning to medical school; places to live in St. Louis.
Hometown: Potomac, MD
David Catherall, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: Saint Louis University
Interested in discussing: medicine as a second career; medical school with a partner; living outside the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis.
Hometown: St. Joseph, MO
Sundeep Chakladar, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Interested in discussing: research; transitioning to medical school without a gap year; Gateway Curriculum.
Hometown: Redondo Beach, CA
Justin Chang, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Yale University
Interested in discussing: research; St. Louis restaurants; Core Apartments.
Hometown: Middleton, MA
Amdiel Clement, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University
Interested in discussing: Missouri Botanical Garden; gap year; transition to medical school; downtime in medical school.
Hometown: Boyds, MD
Sydney Czako, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Interested in discussing: taking a gap year; food scene in St. Louis; finding mentors; places to live in St. Louis.
Hometown: Birmingham, MI
Sophia Dietz, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Purdue University
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; coming from a large, public university; Gateway Curriculum; Forest Park; a day in the life of a Phase 1.
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Idoia Dizon, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Interested in discussing: taking a gap year; arts & culture in St. Louis; research; transitioning to medical school.
Hometown: Richmond, VA
Owen Douglas, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Interested in discussing: being a parent in medical school; specialty exploration.
Hometown: Cap Estate, Saint Lucia
Lauren Everett, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: American Military University
Interested in discussing: St. Louis parks (other than Forest Park); St. Louis neighborhoods; transitioning to medical school from a career-changer perspective; buying real estate in St. Louis.
Hometown: Chaffee, MO
Sam Fallon, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Interested in discussing: going to WUSM from WashU undergrad; getting involved in volunteering and more in medical school; interest in internal medicine.
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ.
Maya Ferrell, (Entering Class of 2024; MSTP)
Undergraduate Institution: University of Oklahoma
Interested in discussing: quality of life in St. Louis (museums, Forest Park, food scene); research opportunities; studying on campus (Becker Library, student lounge, going to class, lockers and Core gym, coffee on campus, lunch on campus); dual degree program(s) (MSTP).
Hometown: Edmond, OK
Adam Fogel, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Brown University
Interested in discussing: taking a gap year; St. Louis sports; places to live in St. Louis; research.
Hometown: Easton, MA
Oliver Forst, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Southern Methodist University
Interested in discussing: the Gateway Curriculum; places to live in St. Louis; St. Louis sports; downtime and St. Louis quality of life; living with a roommate in medical school.
Hometown: Minnetonka, MN
Mary Kate Freyaldenhoven, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Rhodes College
Interested in discussing: clinical research; things to do in St. Louis; Gateway Curriculum.
Hometown: Conway, AR
JT Galla, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Duke University
Interested in discussing: social life in medical school; taking a gap year; long distance relationships; first generation medical student; research; Medical Student Government.
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Mansi Garneni, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: Columbia University
Interested in discussing: how to maintain balance/use your downtime; moving to St. Louis/the Midwest as someone who did not grow up or go to college here; not taking any gap years.
Hometown: Irvine, CA
Kelly Gaudian, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Gettysburg College
Interested in discussing: research; taking gap years; transitioning to medical school; places to live in the Central West End; Gateway Curriculum; Immersions.
Hometown: Arlington, VA
Dominic Gaziano, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school as a non-science major; St. Louis sports teams; Forest Park.
Hometown: Newton, MA
Annabel Geissbuhler, Class of 2027
Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan
Interested in discussing: research; transitioning to medical school; the Gateway Curriculum; taking a gap year; places to live in St Louis; how you use your downtime; St. Louis; Forest Park.
Hometown: Birmingham, MI
Jessica Goldberg, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University
Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; life in St. Louis; transitioning to medical school.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Pavithr Goli, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Rice University
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; places to live in St. Louis; Forest Park; how to use your downtime; not taking a gap year.
Hometown: Houston, TX
Braxton Goodnight, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: University of Georgia
Interested in discussing: transitioning to WashU from a large state school; interest in general surgery; downtime in St. Louis.
Hometown: Dacula, GA
McKayley Green, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Harvard University
Interested in discussing: first generation college student, Harvard undergraduate; being from Colorado; adjusting to medical school after several gap years; being an EMT before medical school; medical education; Emergency Medicine; Wilderness Medicine; moving to St Louis; living outside of the Central West End.
Hometown: Boulder, CO
Nicolas Grib, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
Interested in discussing: how you use your downtime; transitioning to medical school; what to do in St. Louis; Forest Park; living with/finding roommates; where to live in St. Louis.
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Mitchell Grinwald, (Entering Class of 2021, MSTP)
Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Interested in discussing: dual degrees; St. Louis; transitioning to medical school; research; choosing a lab; downtime in medical school.
Hometown: Pewaukee, WI
McKenzie Halpert, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; Gateway Curriculum; resources/extracurricular opportunities at WashU; things to do in St. Louis; Forest Park; St. Louis food scene; how I use my downtime; study strategies; mentorship.
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
John Han, Class of 2026
Undergraduate Institution: University of Virginia
Interested in discussing: bioethics and medical humanities; food and drink in St. Louis; wellness (downtime, fitness, hobbies and social life).
Hometown: Vienna, VA
Jorin Hanson, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: University of Cincinnati
Interested in discussing: going straight through to medical school from undergrad; Forest Park activities; participating in intramural sports.
Hometown: Dayton, OH
Abby Heck, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: University of Notre Dame
Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; transition to medical school; medical school with a medical partner.
Hometown: Memphis, TN
Cade Herrera, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Harvard University
Interested in discussing: climbing/outdoors; taking a gap year (or multiple); native students; students from Harvard; rural students; students from South Dakota; students interested in the Grove.
Hometown: Rapid City, SD
Marykate Hill, Class of 2028
Undergraduate Institution: Ohio State University
Interested in discussing: transitioning to medical school; music/arts in medical school; having a long-distance partner (who is also a medical student); coming from a big state college; Gateway Curriculum; going to school far from home; living at The Core; going straight through from undergrad.
Hometown: Granville, OH
Tim Huang, Class of 2025
Undergraduate Institution: Boston College
Interested in discussing: Gateway Curriculum; medical student government; starting a relationship in medical school.
Hometown: New York, NY (Queens)