Anjum Hassan, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology and Immunology
Anjum Hassan, MD, is an associate professor in the Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine and Director of Florescent-In-Situ-Hybridization (FFPE FISH) Laboratory in Cytogenomics and Molecular Pathology. She is a graduate of Aga Khan University School of Medicine in Karachi, Pakistan, and recipient of several merit scholarships. She finished training in anatomic and clinical pathology in New York and Hartford, CT. She started her long-time affiliation with Washington University in 2001, with fellowships in surgical pathology and hematopathology, and joined the WUSM faculty in 2003. She is board certified in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology and hematology. She has mentored numerous medical students, pathology residents and fellows, and authored several chapters and manuscripts related to hematologic malignancies.
For the greater St. Louis community, she has served as a women’s committee member, weekend school teacher and affiliate of Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis. She is co-founder and board member of two non-profit organizations, which provide a forum and resource for interest-free educational loans and continuing education to empower Muslim women and youth. She is a strong supporter of several humanitarian, medical relief and educational organizations that specifically address the needs of less publicized minorities in St. Louis and beyond.
“There is no place like home”, and for Dr. Hassan, St. Louis and WUSM have always been home to raise family and grow professionally. For her three adult children, St. Louis public schools brought the best out of them. They all proceeded to the BA-MD program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (as members of the classes of 2019, 2021, and 2025) and have since become young adult members of the greater St. Louis community.